Leibnitz got a lot of push back from his contemporary philosophers for claiming that God made the best of all worlds. How can this be the best of all worlds if there is so much pain and misery? What world was he talking about? We discussed the analogy of a dog’s world that is made the “best” by a good owner, even if the dog is nervous when moving to a new house.

The Invited Philosophers Brothers & Philosophers: Andres & Carlos This is the third virtual dinner. Carlos and Andres had dinner in New Jersey. Andres lives there and Carlos was visiting from New York with his dog Luna over the weekend (Luna was a topic of our discussion!). As usual, I had dinner in Miami. Menu Andres & Carlos’ vegetarian dinner: Samosas, roasted eggplant, tofu with tajin, and vegetarian chicken. Paty’s dinner: Appetizer: Green salad with crab cakes. Main Dish: Wild rice with black bean casserole. Paty’s wine: Los Clop, Malbec

2016 The Philosophy The German rationalist philosopher, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) has made significant contributions in several fields spanning the intellectual landscape, including mathematics, physics, logic, ethics, and theology. We discussed his claim that “the actual world is the best of all possible worlds”. An excellent discussion of Leibniz metaphysics can be found here. Having two computer scientists with a strong background in mathematics and a deep spiritual understanding of the world and life made this evening conversation very special. The Summary Leibniz argument of our world being the best possible…

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